1) Children Art / Student's Art Gallery

- We provide interesting hands-on activities for young children and allow them to explore different art medium,which help to promote children’s creativity and aesthetic awareness in a conductive and fun environment.

- Art activities provide opportunity to increase children's self esteem, enhance areas of development including perception, fine motor skills, language, and social interaction.We believe that drawing is not a gift but a skill that can be acquired. Individual guidance and attention for every children.

- 美术活动不只能提高孩子的自信,并可加强他们在观察力,手眼协调能力,语言和社交沟通能力的发展。我们的创意绘画课程包括各类绘画技巧。确保每位学生都能得到老师最大的关注和指导。我们有每月课程。小班教学,坐位有限。请即日报名以免向隅!


Social and Emotional
- Artwork provides children an avenue to express their feelings and experiences through drawing, painting etc.
- Artwork provides children an opportunity to share their ideas with their peers and adults.
- Artwork requires children to work together to produce art pieces.
- Artwork helps to build individual’s self esteem and confidence.
- Artwork gives opportunities for children to learn more about their world.
- Artwork promotes divergent thinking in children such as the ability to look at things in different angles.
- Artwork helps children in increasing their attention span.
Motor Skills
- For young children, it helps to strengthen their fine motor skills such as ‘pincer grip’
- It promotes drawing, painting, sculpting, designing skills and etc with personal and expressive facets.
Language Skills
- Artwork provides children an avenue to express their feelings and experiences by describing their work and ideas to their peers and adults.
- Artwork helps to increase the children’s vocabulary with the aid from adults. Eg. Adults describing what the children are doing.
Mathematics and Science
- Enhance children’s spatial awareness
- Know the names of colours and shapes
- Number operations : One-to-One correspondence
- Sensorial – Texture (Smooth or Rough) ; Weight (Heavy or Light) and etc
- Investigation – Eg. What will happen if i add more white paint into the blue paint?
- Green mission – Knowing the effective use of recycled materials
- Increase the understanding of patterning
- Promotes observation skills – Eg. Causes and effects
Student's Art Gallery